Alexander Nicholson
Your Site Reliability Engineer

Professional Site Reliability Engineer (+DevOps / NetOps / SysOps). Living in Tokyo. Specializing in building and scaling SRE platforms and teams.Working with Kubernetes (AWS EKS and Helm), Container Technology (Docker / Containerd / Firecracker). Performing AWS wizardry on a daily basis. AWS expert, experienced public cloud user, Serverless developer and bare metal engineer.I also build things. My web frameworks of choice are Django (Python) and Sinatra (Ruby), although I can tinker with other languages such as Elixir (winner of Elixir Camp Sydney 2018) and Rust.Communication is the cement of an agile team.
Delivered critical business needs for businesses through AWS partnerships
Implemented large-scale, production AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service clusters; including filling the gaps by building supporting tools
Switched businesses struggling with scale to managed services with cost in mind
Performed cyber security research and worked with third parties to resolve potential exploit vectors
Helped developers create observability pipelines using Prometheus, New Relic and OpenTelemetry
Built time series ingestion, storage and forecasting for IoT

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- I offset my personal carbon emissions on Ecologi.
- I purchase offsets using innovative carbon capture technology to offset the damage done to our planet, and to allow you to browse this site neutrally.

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An alternative Cloud.
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CattoCDN - Upload pictures of cats, I guess? - Improve my development team’s velocity by getting Merge Requests out the door! - I want a status page for my product or company’s systems.Logband - I want an easy to use, cost-effective, logging platform.k8chart - I want a public or private Chart repository for my product or company that consolidates multiple external chart providers.
Alexander Nicholson
Your Site Reliability Engineer

Site Reliability Engineering Manager at TableCheck